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Don't Do Life Alone, Come Journey with Us!

"EveryThing is a Journey, but when you add an Estimated Time of Arrival, it becomes a Goal!"

-Monique B. Farmer

Discover Our Online Classes

Our online mindfulness and meditation classes offer a variety of techniques to help you relax, center yourself, and improve your overall well-being. From guided breathing exercises and body scans to deep sleep sessions and morning affirmations, our classes are designed to help you start your day with a positive mindset and end it with a peaceful night's sleep. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or simply find a moment of calm in your busy day, our classes provide the tools and support you need to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.

Join us today and start your journey to a more balanced and centered life.

Find Your Calm. Practice at Home.

Practice meditation at home with our online classes

Meet Your Teacher

I hold a 200-hour yoga instructor certification registered with Yoga Alliance, and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise and Sports Science at Keiser University. My passion lies in promoting holistic health and wellness, and I actively advocate for self-love.

Yoga and Meditation Student and Instructor

Monique B. Farmer

Yoga & Meditation

I too am on a journey of personal growth and wellness, guided by my experiences of love, loss, and spiritual awakening. Through the hardships I have faced, including the loss of my brother, I have found solace in the ancient practices of yoga and meditation.


These practices have not only provided me with a sense of peace and inner strength but have also opened my eyes to the profound wisdom of spirituality and the interconnectedness of all beings. Inspired by my own healing journey, I felt a calling to share the transformative power of holistic wellness with others.


This led me to pursue formal training in yoga, delving deep into the rich history and teachings of this ancient practice. Through my studies, I have gained a deeper understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection and the importance of holistic approaches to health and well-being.


Today, I continue to walk my path of personal growth and wellness, committed to guiding and empowering others on their own journeys because "EveryThing is A Journey, when you give it an Estimated Time of Arrival it becomes a Goal!" -Monique B. Farmer Come Journey with Me.

How Being Mindful Changes Our Lives

Helps you sleep better

Practicing mindfulness before bed can improve sleep by calming the mind, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation. By focusing on the present moment and letting go of racing thoughts, mindfulness helps create optimal conditions for a restful night's sleep.

Decreases anxiety & depression

Mindfulness diminishes anxiety and depression by fostering awareness of one's thoughts and emotions without judgment. By cultivating a present-focused mindset, individuals can break the cycle of rumination and worry, leading to greater emotional resilience and a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Reduces stress levels 

Mindfulness reduce stress by encouraging a present-centered awareness that helps individuals observe stressors without becoming overwhelmed by them. By cultivating a non-judgmental attitude towards thoughts and sensations, mindfulness promotes relaxation and a sense of calm, ultimately reducing stress levels.

Improves attention & concentration

Mindfulness enhances attention and concentration by training the mind to focus on the present moment without distraction. By practicing techniques such as mindful breathing or body scanning, individuals develop the ability to sustain attention on a chosen object or task, leading to improved focus and cognitive performance.

Start for Free

Try us out with a free meditation class

Loving Kindness

Duration 20:45

Indulge in a 20-minute loving-kindness meditation, guiding your mind towards compassion and warmth. Embrace feelings of love and goodwill towards yourself and others, fostering inner peace and connection with the world around you.

Loving Kindness
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"The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you."

David Lynch

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